Thursday, October 23, 2008

Political Marketing Back to the People

In the wake of one of the most important presidential elections I wonder how McCain and Obama are going to snatch the last undecided votes. McCain has criticized Obama on his excessive advertising spending while Obama complains about all the negative driven ads that McCain runs. Which strategy will win? Who cares?

The real marketing battle is happening outside of the two delegates ad budgets. What's interesting is what everyone else is saying and doing. Between Obama Girl, Tina Faye as Governor Palin, Sarah Silverman and The Great Schlep and other celebrities getting politically involved, this election has gone beyond any traditional political marketing strategy and been brought back to grassroots influence. With the power of the web fueling the most talked about elections in history, I'm seeing the best action come from the people themselves. Who would have guessed that YouTube would become such a powerful political tool. Check out some of these popular political videos....

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